Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles

Stage 2

Doing this with Richter is possible but it's much easier with Maria since she can run while attacking. Getting the Cardinal/Suzaku subweapon can also help.
Once the Behemoth starts chasing you, kill it before it kills itself.
Sound Item No. 14.

Once the Behemoth comes running after you, drop down the 3rd pit (any pit is fine but 3rd is best) and keep going until you see the candle before the door.
Destroy the candle and get the unlockable (duh).
Sound Item No. 15.

Once the Behemoth comes chasing you, get the key from one of the candles and continue (do not drop down the pit to Stage 3').
Keep going until you see the locked door and use the key.
After scaring off Shaft from his evil plan of child abuse, you save Maria and now able to use (control as a character mind you) her.


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