Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles

Stage 2'

Once you get to the second area with gargoyles, get to the second Bone Pillar and drop through the broken landscape.
Take the boat to Italy.
A tip would be to stand in front of the boat so if Mermen hit you, you'll bounce back and still be on the boat. Get the unlockable in the candle. Sound Item No. 16.

You will need to unlock Maria from Stage 2 in order to do this. Once you get to the second area with Gargoyles, keep going until you reach this spot and don't destroy the Bone Pillar.
Use the Bone Pillar to jump across (double jump).
Get the unlockable in the candle. Sound Item No. 17.

Once you get to the first bonebridge, walk to the center of it to destroy the bridge with your weight. Once it starts to break, make sure to move to the left so you don't fall to your doom.
Falling at the center = doom!
Sound Item No. 18.


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