Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles

Stage 4

When you reach the Fleaman standing still (on a switch), instead of pressing the switch and going up, keep going right until you reach this area and fall into the pit.
You will need to save Iris in Stage 4' so you can break the ice pillar.
Sound Item No. 23.

You need Terra's Necklace from Stage 3' to break the wall. I wonder what's behind the wall...
...obviously another unlockable.
Sound Item No. 24.

Throughout the years, Drac's wall fetish gets worse and worse. Break the wall when you reach this area to find bombs inside the wall. Attack it to light it up.
Once the wall goes boom, keep progressing until you see an upper path. Jump on the spike platform to reach and keep going.
Congratulations. You have unlocked the original Rondo of Blood. No more need for ebay.


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