Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance

Name Description DEF/Effect BUY DROP FIND
Crush Boots +15 (Allows super jump to smash through some kinds of blocks) - - The Wailing Way B
Leather Boots +2 - - Castle Entrance A
Shin Guards +3 Castle Top Floor B, Castle Treasury B, Luminous Cavern B (140G) Peeping Eye -
Ankle Guards +5 - - Cave of Skeletons B
Bronze Boots +6 - Bone Thrower -
Guardian Boots +8 - - Clock Tower A
Iron Boots +9 - Axe Armor -
Greaves +12 Castle Tower A, Castle's Treasury A, Luminous Cavern A (1700G) Ruler Sword Lv 3 -
Leggings +16 - - Luminous Cavern A
Silver Boots +20 Castle Treasury A, Luminous Cavern A (2800G) - -
Floating Boots +0 (Juste will stay in mid-air after jumping, and will be able to fly.) - Pike Master -
Platinum Shoes +25 Castle Entrance (5000G) - -
Infinite Boots +0 (Allows for infinite jumping in mid-air.) Castle Entrance (12000G) - -



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